Employee Records
Part Time
Coins Icon £13 / Hour

Part Time
Coins Icon £13 / Hour

Here at The Cork we require a cleaner to help on a part time basis with 2-3 shifts a week. We use set cleaning chemicals and will provide COSHH training and general health and safety training. There may be additional hours some weeks to help cover our other cleaners leave. The days to be covered would be a Sunday and Monday, and 1 or 2 shifts a week on top of this which can be flexible. Hours would generally be 6-9/10am but a degree of flexibility can be offered.

We want you to help keep the Cork looking sparkly!

Here at The Cork we require a cleaner to help on a part time basis with 2-3 shifts a week. We use set cleaning chemicals and will provide COSHH training and general health and safety training. There may be additional hours some weeks to help cover our other cleaners leave. The days to be covered would be a Sunday and Monday, and 1 or 2 shifts a week on top of this which can be flexible. Hours would generally be 6-9/10am but a degree of flexibility can be offered.

We want you to help keep the Cork looking sparkly!