Employee Records
Part Time
1 Year Experience
Coins Icon To be discussed

Part Time
1 Year Experience
Coins Icon To be discussed
Basic Knowledge of Wines
Basic Beers/Spirits Knowledge
New York Restaurant experience
POS Systems
Fast-Paced Experience
Fluent in English
A server at Ivy should be able to multi-task, while providing warm, friendly, and competent service to guests. In order to do this job well, an applicant must have a positive attitude, a willingness to learn new things, and the ability to become knowledgeable about the food and drink items available to our customers.
A server at Ivy should be able to multi-task, while providing warm, friendly, and competent service to guests. In order to do this job well, an applicant must have a positive attitude, a willingness to learn new things, and the ability to become knowledgeable about the food and drink items available to our customers.